About this course
Enhance your knowledge and skills in managing Aphthous Stomatitis. This free course provides in-depth insights into its aetiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation, along with practical diagnosis and treatment strategies.

This course is relevant to the whole dental team.
CPD Time: 1 hour (1 CE Credit)
Customer feedback on this course
Assessment: 12 MCQs. Pass mark 75%. more…
On passing the assessment you will immediately receive a GDC-recognised Enhanced CPD Certificate.
Access: You will have access for 12 months, and can take the course as often as you wish in this period.
To enhance the understanding and management skills of dental professionals regarding Aphthous Stomatitis.
Course objectives
• Provide comprehensive knowledge about the aetiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation of Aphthous Stomatitis.
• Equip dental professionals with practical approaches for diagnosis, treatment, and patient education related to Aphthous Stomatitis.
Anticipated learning outcomes:
The learner will:
• Identify and describe the signs and symptoms of Aphthous Stomatitis.
• Explain the pathophysiology and histological aspects of Aphthous Stomatitis.
• Apply appropriate diagnostic criteria and methods in clinical settings.
• Formulate effective treatment plans and management strategies for patients with Aphthous Stomatitis.
• Educate patients about prevention and management of Aphthous Stomatitis, including oral hygiene practices.
GDC Development Outcome: C
Learning content:
Overview | Pathophysiology and Histology | Diagnosis and Treatment | Prevention and Complications | Classification | Epidemiology | Course Completion
View full course description
Aphthous Stomatitis
Course Description
Aphthous stomatitis is characterised by recurrent, non-contagious mouth ulcers. This section provides an introduction to the condition, covering its appearance, common symptoms, and potential causes such as genetic predisposition, nutritional deficiencies, and mouth trauma.
Pathophysiology and Histology
Learn about the underlying immune response that triggers aphthous stomatitis, causing the body to mistakenly attack the mouth's mucosal lining. This section explains the microscopic changes associated with the condition, including ulceration, immune cell infiltration, and tissue damage.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnosis of aphthous stomatitis primarily involves clinical examination, with focus on differentiating it from other oral conditions. Treatment aims to relieve pain and promote healing through topical agents, while more severe cases may require systemic treatment.
Prevention and Complications
Prevention strategies focus on managing triggers such as stress and dietary irritants. This section also covers complications, including secondary bacterial infections, and emphasises the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene to reduce recurrence.
Aphthous stomatitis is classified into three types: minor, major, and herpetiform ulcers. This section looks at the differences between these classifications based on ulcer size, healing time, and severity, as well as how they affect treatment approaches.
Aphthous stomatitis affects approximately 20% of the population, with higher prevalence among younger individuals. This section examines the epidemiology of the condition, its recurrence, and the ongoing research into genetic and immunological factors contributing to its pathogenesis.
Course Completion
Participants will complete a feedback survey, take a multiple-choice exam, and receive a GDC-compliant CPD certificate. The course emphasises practical approaches to diagnosing, treating, and preventing aphthous stomatitis in dental practice.
You can copy and adapt this example PDP entry for your own needs and circumstances. The format complies with GDC guidance on PDP structure.
PDP Learning or Maintenance need |
Enhance knowledge and skills in diagnosing and managing Aphthous Stomatitis |
How does this relate to my field of practice? |
Understanding Aphthous Stomatitis is essential for providing comprehensive dental care |
Which development outcome(s) does it link to? |
GDC Development Outcome C |
What benefit will this have to my work? |
Improve patient outcomes by effectively diagnosing and managing Aphthous Stomatitis |
How will I meet this learning or maintenance need? |
Participate in the CPD course on Aphthous Stomatitis and apply learned concepts in clinical practice |
When will I complete the activity? |