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IRMER and IRR: Legal aspects


About this course

Dental staff in the UK are required by law to be "IRMER Trained". This law applies to everyone involved in taking and/or processing radiographs, not just GDC registrants. This course covers the legal aspects of X-rays, with particular reference to The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 and the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017.

This course is a GDC Highly Recommended CPD Topic (Radiography and radiation protection).

This course is relevant to the whole dental team.

This course provides training for the roles of Operator, Practitioner, Referrer, Legal Person, and Radiation Protection Advisor.

CPD Time: 1 hour (1 CE Credits)

Customer feedback on this course

  • I loved this course. It explains everything in detail but still concise. Lots of important information prepared in a good way.
  • It has all the relevant information you need and presented in an easy to read format.
  • Useful, good quality course to refresh my knowledge.
  • Good refreshers on legal implications of radiology and the importance of keeping on top of any changes.
  • So informative and understandable.

Assessment: 12 MCQs. Pass mark 75%. more…

On passing the assessment you will immediately receive a GDC-recognised Enhanced CPD IRMER Certificate.

Access: You will have access for 12 months, and can take the course as often as you wish in this period.

The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this course is to allow learners to develop their professional knowledge and understanding of the legal aspects of Radiography and Radiation Protection, in line with their identified personal development requirements..

Course objective
• to teach the knowledge required to implement and comply with the legal aspects of Radiography and Radiation Protection, in line with the theoretical knowledge requirements of the IRR and IR(ME)R laws and current professional recommendations.

Anticipated learning outcomes:
The learner will:
• become familiar with IRR 2017 and IR(ME)R 2017.
• have an understanding of the principles of Justification, Optimisation and Limitation.
• have an understanding of the role of Quality Assurance in implementing these principles.
• learn how the law protects staff, patients, and the public.
• through achieving these outcomes, provide an improved level of service to their patients.

GDC Development Outcomes

Learning content:
UK Radiation Protection Legislation | The IRMER and IRR regulations | Dental practice radiation job titles | Radiation Employer Duties | Pressing the button | Equipment Regulations | Local Rules

Show suggested PDP entry

You can copy and adapt this example PDP entry for your own needs and circumstances. The format complies with GDC guidance on PDP structure.

PDP Learning or Maintenance need
IRMER training compliance
How does this relate to my field of practice?
I am involved in dental radiography/radiology. Need to know the legal basis.
Which development outcome(s) does it link to?
What benefit will this have to my work?
Perform tasks that are required for my daily role/duties.
How will I meet this learning or maintenance need?
Take the Verified Learning IRMER/IRR legal aspects course  
When will I complete the activity?