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Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Level 2


About this course

Safeguarding vulnerable adults is everybody's duty. For healthcare professionals, it is also a legal requirement. This enhanced CPD/CE course takes you through what you need to know and do to meet your GDC, CQC, and NHS requirements.

This course is a GDC Recommended CPD Topic (Safeguarding).

This course is relevant to the whole dental team.

CPD Time: 3 hours (3 CE Credits)

Customer feedback on this course

  • Well presented and gets to the important points quickly
  • This CPD course was well explained and very informative. It made me aware of those issues which I wasn't aware of.
  • Lots of really important information, really well organised
  • Excellent module. Clearly explained and reinforced the need to always be vigilant.
  • Engaging and thorough. Brilliant.

Assessment: 12 MCQs. Pass mark 75%. more…

On passing the assessment you will immediately receive a GDC-recognised Enhanced CPD Certificate.

Access: You will have access for 12 months, and can take the course as often as you wish in this period.

CQC level 2 safeguarding requirement: minimum 3 hours safeguarding training every 3 years (combined adults and children).

The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this course s to allow learners to develop their professional knowledge, understanding and competence in safeguarding vulnerable adults, in line with their identified personal learning requirements.

Course objective
• to update members of the dental team with current best practice in Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults.

Anticipated learning outcomes
The learner will:
• Know how to recognise, respond to and how to share safeguarding concerns.
• Understand how to contribute to inter-agency assessment by gathering and sharing information.
• Have a clear understanding of how vulnerable adults can be helped to access support.
• Understand the requirements of the Care Act 2014.
• Understand the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
• Through achieving these outcomes, provide an improved level of service to their patients.

GDC development outcomes

Learning content:
The Care Act | Local Authority Duties | Safeguarding Aims | HCW Responsibilities | When You Have Concerns | Duty of Care | The 6 Safeguarding Principles | Categories of Abuse | Raising a Concern | Holistic Assessment | Sharing and Recording | The Mental Capacity Act | Assessment of Capacity | Best Interests | Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards | Domestic Violence and Abuse | Female Genital Mutilation | Human Trafficking | Modern Slavery | Extremism and Radicalisation | Preparing the Practice | CQC Requirements | Course Completion
View full course description

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Level 2
Course Description

The Care Act
This section provides an overview of the Care Act 2014, which outlines the legal responsibilities of local authorities to safeguard vulnerable adults. It explains the integration of care and support systems between health and social services to ensure a holistic approach to safeguarding.

Local Authority Duties
Local authorities are legally required to investigate and protect adults who are at risk of abuse or neglect. This section discusses the safeguarding boards and reviews, outlining the duties of local authorities in preventing harm and ensuring the safety of vulnerable individuals.

Safeguarding Aims
This section explains the key aims of safeguarding, such as preventing harm, promoting autonomy, and ensuring that individuals have control over their own lives. It also emphasises public awareness and inter-agency collaboration to create a protective environment.

HCW Responsibilities
Healthcare workers have a duty to protect vulnerable adults by recognising signs of abuse, reporting concerns, and cooperating with safeguarding investigations. This section covers the role of healthcare professionals in safeguarding processes.

When You Have Concerns
This section provides a step-by-step guide for healthcare workers to follow when they suspect abuse, including assessing the situation, ensuring safety, and following local procedures for reporting safeguarding concerns.

Duty of Care
Healthcare workers have a legal and ethical duty of care to act in the best interest of vulnerable adults. This section covers how to fulfil this duty by taking reasonable steps to protect individuals from harm.

The 6 Safeguarding Principles
The six principles of safeguarding—empowerment, prevention, proportionality, protection, partnership, and accountability—are explained in this section, providing a framework for safeguarding practice.

Categories of Abuse
Abuse can take many forms, including physical, emotional, financial, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect and exploitation. This section outlines the different categories of abuse that healthcare workers should be able to recognise.

Raising a Concern
This section guides healthcare workers on how to raise a safeguarding concern, including what information to report and how to work with local safeguarding teams.

Holistic Assessment
A holistic assessment looks beyond physical health to consider emotional, psychological, and social factors. This section explains how to conduct a thorough assessment when safeguarding concerns arise.

Sharing and Recording
Proper information sharing and record-keeping are essential in safeguarding. This section discusses how to balance patient confidentiality with the need to share information to protect vulnerable adults.

The Mental Capacity Act
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 governs decision-making for individuals who lack capacity. This section explains the principles of the Act and how it applies in safeguarding vulnerable adults.

Assessment of Capacity
Healthcare professionals must assess a person's capacity to make decisions. This section outlines the two-stage test for assessing capacity and the criteria for determining whether someone can make informed decisions.

Best Interests
When an individual lacks capacity, decisions must be made in their best interests. This section covers the factors to consider in making best interest decisions, such as the person's wishes, values, and feelings.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) provide protection for individuals who lack the capacity to consent to their care arrangements. This section explains the legal framework for depriving someone of their liberty when necessary to keep them safe.

Domestic Violence and Abuse
Domestic abuse can affect anyone, including vulnerable adults. This section explains how to recognise the signs of domestic abuse and what steps healthcare professionals should take when it is suspected.

Female Genital Mutilation
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a form of abuse and a criminal offence in the UK. This section covers the mandatory reporting duty for healthcare professionals when they identify or suspect cases of FGM.

Human Trafficking
Human trafficking involves the exploitation of individuals for labour, sexual purposes, or other forms of servitude. This section explains the signs of human trafficking and how to raise concerns.

Modern Slavery
Modern slavery refers to the illegal exploitation of individuals. This section discusses how to identify victims of modern slavery and the role of healthcare workers in reporting such cases.

Extremism and Radicalisation
Radicalisation is a safeguarding issue, particularly when vulnerable adults are involved. This section explains how to recognise the signs of radicalisation and what steps to take when concerns arise.

Preparing the Practice
This section provides guidance on preparing a dental practice to handle safeguarding issues, including staff training, policy implementation, and ensuring compliance with safeguarding regulations.

CQC Requirements
The CQC has specific requirements for safeguarding adults. This section outlines what inspectors look for during practice inspections, including safeguarding policies, staff competence, and reporting procedures.

Course Completion
Participants will complete a feedback survey, take a multiple-choice exam, and receive a GDC-compliant CPD certificate. The course ensures dental professionals are equipped to safeguard vulnerable adults and comply with UK legislation.

Show suggested PDP entry

You can copy and adapt this example PDP entry for your own needs and circumstances. The format complies with GDC guidance on PDP structure.

PDP Learning or Maintenance need
Safeguarding vulnerable adults
How does this relate to my field of practice?
Statutory duty
Which development outcome(s) does it link to?
What benefit will this have to my work?
Perform tasks that may be required and expected in my profession.
How will I meet this learning or maintenance need?
Take the Verified Learning course on Safeguarding Adults Level 2
When will I complete the activity?