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Safeguarding Children for Sports Coaches and Volunteers (Level 2)


About this course

Free course - no card needed!

Everyone who interacts with children and families has a essential role in safeguarding children and protecting them from harm. It is a shared responsibility.

Sports professionals, including coaches, officials, volunteers, and staff, are in unique positions of trust and are required to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in their care.

This complete and comprehensive online course provides the necessary knowledge and skills to meet current best practices in safeguarding, aligning with the requirements of relevant sports governing bodies and child protection regulations. Through this free course, you will learn how to effectively recognise, respond to, and share safeguarding concerns, ensuring a safer environment for young athletes.

As a parent, you may wish to satisfy yourself that the sports staff who look after your child are fully up to date - you can recommend this course to them and ask to see the Certificate.

This free course is relevant to sports coaches, officials, volunteers and staff.

CPD Time: 3 hours (3 CE Credits)

Assessment: 10 MCQs. Pass mark 80%. more

Customer feedback on this course

  • Videos are very well chosen, complement the text well and reinforce the messages of the module. They are powerful messages which are both memorable and disturbing.
  • Really excellent. Had not realised that Child-on-Child abuse and Institutional abuse are now coming to the fore and is being taken seriously.
  • This course was very helpful. It was shocking to see rising child abuse in such young children.
  • Really gut wrenching video's to watch, but it really got me thinking about abuse issues, thankyou for such a relevant course.
  • I went through the whole module. I had previously attended courses on Safeguarding however none have had the detail or quality this course provided.
  • Excellent course, this is the best safeguarding module I have taken.

Level 2 safeguarding requirement: minimum 3 hours safeguarding training every 3 years.

The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this course is to allow sports professionals and volunteers to develop their knowledge, understanding and competence in safeguarding children, in line with their identified personal learning requirements.

Course objective
• to update sports coaches, officials, volunteers and staff with current best practice in Safeguarding Children, to Level 2

Anticipated learning outcomes:
The learner will
• Know how to recognise, respond to and how to share safeguarding concerns.
• Understand and recognise the barriers regarding engagement and compliance by children, young people and their families
• Understand how to contribute to inter-agency assessment by gathering and sharing information
• Have a clear understanding of how families can access support
• Know how and when to consult with a safeguarding lead
• Through achieving these outcomes, provide an improved level of service to the children under their care.

Learning content:
Introduction | When Harm is Suspected | Grooming | Responding to Disclosures | Professional Boundaries | Parental Involvement | Support When Facing Accusation | After a Referral | Safeguarding Policy and Lead | Vulnerable Groups | Warning Signs of Abuse | Physical Abuse | Signs of Emotional Abuse | Signs of Sexual Abuse | Sexual Exploitation | Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse | Neglect | Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) | Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery | Give Feedback
View full course description

Safeguarding Children for Sports Coaches and Volunteers (Level 2)
Course Description

This course provides essential safeguarding training for sports coaches, volunteers, and officials, ensuring they are equipped to protect children from harm. It aligns with best practices and regulatory requirements in child safeguarding, enabling participants to recognise, respond to, and share safeguarding concerns effectively.

When Harm is Suspected
Learn how to identify potential signs of harm and abuse in children. This section provides guidance on what actions to take when harm is suspected, ensuring immediate and appropriate responses to safeguard the child.

Grooming is a manipulative process used by predators to gain a child’s trust for abuse. This section explains the stages of grooming, signs to watch for, and how to intervene to protect children from exploitation.

Responding to Disclosures
When a child discloses abuse, it is very important to handle the situation with care. This section teaches how to listen, reassure, and take appropriate actions while maintaining the child’s safety and confidentiality.

Professional Boundaries
Maintaining professional boundaries is very important for safeguarding children. This section outlines appropriate conduct for coaches and volunteers to prevent misunderstandings and ensure a safe environment for children.

Parental Involvement
Engaging parents in safeguarding efforts is essential. This section provides strategies for open communication with parents, building trust, and involving them in ensuring the safety and well-being of their children.

Support When Facing Accusation
This section offers guidance for coaches and volunteers who may face safeguarding accusations. It covers legal support, emotional guidance, and maintaining professionalism during investigations.

After a Referral
Once a referral is made to child services, there is a clear process to follow. This section explains what happens next, including assessments and potential actions taken by child protection authorities.

Safeguarding Policy and Lead
Every organisation must have a safeguarding policy and a designated safeguarding lead. This section covers how to develop and implement a safeguarding policy and the responsibilities of the safeguarding lead.

Vulnerable Groups
Certain groups of children are more at risk of harm. This section focuses on recognising the specific vulnerabilities of children with disabilities, young carers, and those in challenging family environments.

Warning Signs of Abuse
Learn to recognise the various signs of abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect. This section provides practical examples of what to look for and how to respond appropriately.

Physical Abuse
Physical abuse includes any deliberate harm inflicted on a child. This section details how to spot signs of physical abuse, such as unexplained injuries, and how to intervene to protect the child.

Signs of Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse can be subtle but equally damaging. This section covers how to recognise signs such as withdrawal, anxiety, and excessive fear, and how to provide support to affected children.

Signs of Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse has long-lasting effects on a child’s mental health. This section explains the signs of sexual abuse and how to handle suspicions with sensitivity and care.

Sexual Exploitation
Sexual exploitation involves manipulating children for sexual purposes in exchange for goods or affection. This section helps coaches and volunteers identify signs of exploitation and respond to protect children.

Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse
Child-on-child sexual abuse is increasingly recognised as a significant issue. This section covers how to identify inappropriate behaviour between children and respond to ensure their safety.

Neglect occurs when a child’s basic needs are not met. This section explains the signs of neglect, such as poor hygiene, malnutrition, and inadequate clothing, and how to intervene to protect the child.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
FGM is a form of abuse that causes significant harm. This section outlines how to recognise when a girl may be at risk of FGM and what steps to take to protect her.

Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Human trafficking and modern slavery are forms of exploitation that can affect children. This section explains how to spot the signs of trafficking and what actions to take when it is suspected.

Give Feedback
At the end of the course, participants are encouraged to provide feedback to improve future training and share their thoughts on the course content.