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Safeguarding Children Level 2


About this course

Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play in safeguarding children and protecting them from harm. It is everyone’s responsibility. Dental professionals are additionally required by law to keep children safe. This enhanced CPD/CE course takes you through what you need to know and do to meet your GDC, CQC, and NHS requirements.

This course is a GDC Recommended CPD Topic (Safeguarding).

This course is relevant to the whole dental team.

CPD Time: 3 hours (3 CE Credits)

Customer feedback on this course

  • Excellent course, this is the best safeguarding module I have taken. Well explained through videos.
  • Very informative and comprehensive.
  • This has been an excellent source of information presented in a clearly understandable format.
  • The videos were extremely good and realistic. They give a much better insight into what the different types of abuse are and how they occur.
  • Seeing real case reports made it very clear how one individual can make a huge difference in a child's life. It was good to see how the process works after reporting rather than just how to report.

Assessment: 12 MCQs. Pass mark 75%. more…

On passing the assessment you will immediately receive a GDC-recognised Enhanced CPD Certificate.

Access: You will have access for 12 months, and can take the course as often as you wish in this period.

CQC level 2 safeguarding requirement: minimum 3 hours safeguarding training every 3 years (combined adults and children).

The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this course is to allow learners to develop their professional knowledge, understanding and competence in safeguarding children, in line with their identified personal learning requirements.

Course objective
• to update members of the dental team with current best practice in Safeguarding Children, to Level 2.

Anticipated learning outcomes:
The learner will
• Know how to recognise, respond to and how to share safeguarding concerns.
• Understand and recognise the barriers regarding engagement and compliance by children, young people and their families
• Understand how to contribute to inter-agency assessment by gathering and sharing information
• Have a clear understanding of how families can access support
• Know how and when to consult with a safeguarding lead
• through achieving these outcomes, provide an improved level of service to their patients.

GDC Development Outcomes


Learning content:
Introduction | Safeguarding and the CQC | When Harm is Suspected | After a Referral | Safeguarding Policy & Lead | Children's Needs | Vulnerable Groups | Warning Signs of Abuse | Signs of Physical Abuse | Signs of Emotional Abuse | Signs of Sexual Abuse | Sexual Exploitation | Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse | Neglect | The CQC Requirements for Inspection | Course Completion
View full course description

Safeguarding Children Level 2
Course Description

This course provides essential safeguarding training for dental professionals, ensuring compliance with CQC regulations and GDC requirements. It focuses on recognising, reporting, and managing potential cases of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation within dental settings.

Safeguarding and the CQC
Dental practices are legally required to demonstrate effective safeguarding measures during CQC inspections. This section outlines the specific safeguarding standards that practices must meet to protect children and young people from abuse and neglect.

When Harm is Suspected
Recognising when a child may be at risk is very important. This section provides practical guidance on identifying signs of abuse or neglect and explains how to act when concerns arise, including making referrals to the appropriate authorities.

After a Referral
Following a referral, dental professionals should be aware of what happens next. This section explains the process that takes place after concerns are reported, including assessments by social services and the role of the dental team in ongoing care.

Safeguarding Policy & Lead
Every practice must have a designated safeguarding lead and a clear policy in place. This section covers how to create and implement a safeguarding policy, the responsibilities of the safeguarding lead, and ensuring all staff are trained and aware of reporting procedures.

Children's Needs
Understanding the needs of children, especially those who are vulnerable, is very important in safeguarding. This section looks at the specific needs of children and how dental professionals can provide a supportive, safe environment for them.

Vulnerable Groups
Certain groups of children are at higher risk of harm. This section highlights these vulnerable groups, such as children with disabilities, those in foster care, or those living in environments with substance abuse or domestic violence.

Warning Signs of Abuse
This section details the common indicators of abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. It provides dental professionals with tools to recognise these signs during routine visits and examinations.

Signs of Physical Abuse
Physical abuse often leaves visible marks or injuries. This section discusses the physical signs of abuse, such as unexplained bruises, burns, or fractures, that dental professionals should be vigilant about.

Signs of Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse can be harder to detect but equally harmful. This section covers the behavioural and psychological signs of emotional abuse, including excessive fear, anxiety, or withdrawal.

Signs of Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse has significant long-term effects on a child's mental and emotional well-being. This section explains how to recognise inappropriate behaviours or knowledge in children that may indicate sexual abuse.

Sexual Exploitation
Children may be exploited for money, power, or status. This section discusses the signs of sexual exploitation, including sudden changes in behaviour, unexplained gifts, or older partners, which dental professionals may observe.

Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse
This section highlights the importance of recognising child-on-child sexual abuse, differentiating it from normal childhood curiosity, and providing guidance on how to manage and report such incidents.

Neglect is one of the most common forms of child abuse. This section covers the signs of neglect, such as poor hygiene, malnutrition, and unmet medical needs, which dental professionals might identify during examinations.

The CQC Requirements for Inspection
The CQC requires dental practices to demonstrate that they have robust safeguarding procedures in place. This section explains what inspectors look for, including staff training, reporting processes, and engagement with local safeguarding agencies.

Course Completion
Participants will complete a feedback survey and take a multiple-choice exam. Upon passing, they will receive a GDC-compliant CPD certificate. The course ensures dental professionals are equipped to safeguard children and vulnerable groups in line with UK regulations.

Show suggested PDP entry

You can copy and adapt this example PDP entry for your own needs and circumstances. The format complies with GDC guidance on PDP structure.

PDP Learning or Maintenance need
Safeguarding children
How does this relate to my field of practice?
Statutory duty
Which development outcome(s) does it link to?
What benefit will this have to my work?
Perform tasks that may be required and expected in my profession.
How will I meet this learning or maintenance need?
Take the Verified Learning course on Safeguarding Children Level 2
When will I complete the activity?